Man Discovers and Saves ‘Monster’ Lurking Under the Bed!

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When was the last time you were actually scared of monsters? Most of us might answer “during my childhood,” but this wasn’t the case for Paul Russel, a simple man who is from Pennsylvania. A strange series of events, starting from a kind gesture to take in a distant relative, led him to discover the shock of a lifetime: a real-life ‘monster!’ What he does after discovering the unwelcomed guest will warm your hearts.

1. Leaving Home


Paul Russel had a distant relative, an 82-year-old, who was going through the late stages of Alzheimer’s. This, unfortunately, rendered him unable to care for himself, so the family decided to move him closer where they could keep a watchful eye over him. The relative had a pet in his old home that couldn’t come with him, so Paul took matters into his own hands and decided to fetch the pet.

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